Speciality | Year | Tuition Fee | Language |
Environment design | 4 years | $2,500 | EN, RU |
Design of clothes and accessories | 4 years | $2,500 | EN, RU |
Design of advertising and computer graphics | 4 years | $2,500 | EN, RU |
Fashion style and hairstyling | 4 years | $2,500 | EN, RU |
Art studies | 4 years | $2,500 | EN, RU |
Speciality | Year | Tuition Fee | Language |
Accounting and Taxation | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Administrative Management | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Alternative Dispute Resolution | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Applied Economics | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Applied Linguistics | 1,5 years | $3,350 | RU |
Applied Mathematics | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Applied Physics | 1,5 years | $2,900/$3,500 | EN, RU |
Applied Physics of Energy Systems | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Archaeology | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Archival Studies | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Astronomy | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Biochemistry | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Biology | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Biophysics | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Business Administration | 1,5 years | $3,900 | EN, RU |
Chemistry | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Computer Assisted Management Systems and Automation | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Computer Sciences (СS) | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Condensed Matter Physics | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Corporate Management | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Culturology | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Ecology and Environmental Protection | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Economic and Social Geography | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Economic Cybernetics (EC) | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Economic Theory and Economic Policy | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Experimental Nuclear Physics and Plasma Physics | 1,5 years | $2,900/$3,500 | EN, RU |
Finance, Banking and Insurance | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Financial and Economic Security Management | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Genetics | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Geography | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Geology | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
History | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Human and Animal Physiology | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Hydrogeology | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
International Business | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Informatics | 1,5 years | $2,400/$3,550 | EN, RU |
Information and Communication Systems Security | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Information Management Systems and Technologies | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
International Business Management | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
International Economic Relations | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
International Economics | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
International Law | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Journalism | 1,5 years | $3,350 | RU |
Language and Literature (English) | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Language and Literature (French) | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Language and Literature (Latin) | 1,5 years | $3,350 | RU |
Language and Literature (German) | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Language and Literature (Russian) | 1,5 years | $3,350 | RU |
Law | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Management | 1,5 years | $3,900 | EN, RU |
Marketing | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Mathematics | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Media Communications | 4 years | $2,900 | RU |
Medical Physics | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Medicine | 5 years | $4,500 | RU |
Medicine | 5 years | $5,500 | RU |
Oil and Gas Geology | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Philosophy | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Physical and Biomedical Electronics | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Physics | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Political Science | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Psychology | 1,5 years | $3,350 | RU |
Radiophysics and Electronics | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Recreation and Tourism Geography | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Secondary Education (Human Health) | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Socioeconomic Statistics | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Sociology | 1,5 years | $2,900 | RU |
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | 1,5 years | $2,400 | RU |
Tourism | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Translation (Chenese) | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Translation (English) | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Translation (French) | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Translation (German) | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Translation (Spanish) | 1,5 years | $3,900 | RU |
Ukrainian Language and Literature | 1,5 years | $3,350 | RU |
Speciality | Tuition Fee |
Accounting and Taxation | $5,500 |
Administrative Management | $5,500 |
Alternative Dispute Resolution | $5,500 |
Applied Economics | $5,500 |
Applied Linguistics | $5,500 |
Applied Mathematics | $5,500 |
Applied Physics | $5,500 |
Applied Physics of Energy Systems | $5,500 |
Archaeology | $5,500 |
Archival Studies | $5,500 |
Astronomy | $5,500 |
Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies | $5,500 |
Biochemistry | $5,500 |
Biology | $5,500 |
Biophysics | $5,500 |
Biotechnology and bioengineering | $5,500 |
Business Administration | $5,500 |
Chemistry | $5,500 |
Computer Assisted Management Systems and Automation | $5,500 |
Computer Engineering | $5,500 |
Computer Sciences (СS) | $5,500 |
Condensed Matter Physics | $5,500 |
Corporate Management | $5,500 |
Culturology | $5,500 |
Cybersecurity | $5,500 |
Ecology | $5,500 |
Ecology and Environmental Protection | $5,500 |
Economic and Social Geography | $5,500 |
Economic Cybernetics (EC) | $5,500 |
Economic Theory and Economic Policy | $5,500 |
Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities | $5,500 |
Experimental Nuclear Physics and Plasma Physics | $5,500 |
Finance, Banking and Insurance | $5,500 |
Financial and Economic Security Management | $5,500 |
Genetics | $5,500 |
Geography | $5,500 |
Geology | $5,500 |
History | $5,500 |
History and Archaeology | $5,500 |
Hotel and Catering Business | $5,500 |
Human and Animal Physiology | $5,500 |
Hydrogeology | $5,500 |
Informatics | $5,500 |
Information and Communication Systems Security | $5,500 |
Information Management Systems and Technologies | $5,500 |
International Business | $5,500 |
International Business Management | $5,500 |
International Economic Relations | $5,500 |
International Economics | $5,500 |
International Information and International Communications | $5,500 |
International Law | $5,500 |
International Relations and Regional Studies | $5,500 |
Journalism | $5,500 |
Language and Literature (English) | $5,500 |
Language and Literature (French) | $5,500 |
Language and Literature (Latin) | $5,500 |
Language and Literature (German) | $5,500 |
Language and Literature (Russian) | $5,500 |
Language and Literature and Translation (English) | $5,500 |
Language and Literature and Translation (French) | $5,500 |
Language and Literature and Translation (German) | $5,500 |
Law | $5,500 |
Management | $5,500 |
Marketing | $5,500 |
Mathematics | $5,500 |
Media Communications | $5,500 |
Media Communications and Public Relations | $5,500 |
Medical Physics | $5,500 |
Medicine | $5,500 |
Micro- and Nano-system Engineering | $5,500 |
Oil and Gas Geology | $5,500 |
Philology (Latin) | $5,500 |
Philology (Russian) | $5,500 |
Philology (Ukrainian) | $5,500 |
Philosophy | $5,500 |
Physical and Biomedical Electronics | $5,500 |
Physics | $5,500 |
Political Science | $5,500 |
Psychology | $5,500 |
Public Management and Administration | $5,500 |
Radiophysics and Electronics | $5,500 |
Recreation and Tourism Geography | $5,500 |
Secondary Education (Human Health) | $5,500 |
Social Communications, Advertising and PR | $5,500 |
Social Work | $5,500 |
Socioeconomic Statistics | $5,500 |
Sociology | $5,500 |
Theology | $5,500 |
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | $5,500 |
Tourism | $5,500 |
Translation (Arabic) | $5,500 |
Translation (Chenese) | $5,500 |
Translation (English) | $5,500 |
Translation (French) | $5,500 |
Translation (German) | $5,500 |
Translation (Spanish) | $5,500 |
Ukrainian Language and Literature | $5,500 |
The V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University was founded in November 1804. It is one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe. Today the University justly rates among the best Ukrainian classical universities and is known in many countries. The University is the only university in Ukraine that has trained and employed three Nobel Prize laureates: the biologist I. Mechnikov, the economist S. Kuznets, and the physicist L. Landau.
The Kharkiv National University offers 115 majors and minors, covering the whole scope of modern classical university education. The University is one of the largest research centers in Ukraine. It covers virtually all spheres of modern fundamental research and incorporates the Research Institutes of Chemistry, Biology, and Astronomy, the Institute of Physics and Engineering, and the Institute of High Technologies.
The University boasts its wide international recognition as one of the initiators of signing the Magna Charta Universitatum (Bologna, 1998), a co-founder of the Eurasian Universities Association, an active participant of International Association of Universities and European University Association, a training center for about 1500 international students, postgraduate and doctorate students for 50 countries of the world, and a partner in research and educational cooperation with more than 100 universities and other organizations all over the world.
Key Dates
Standard Admission:
1 of October – application deadline (request an Invitation to study).
25 of October – arrival deadline (the final date you must arrive at the University).
Late Admission:
30 of January – application deadline (request an Invitation to study).
25 of February – arrival deadline (the final date you must arrive at the University).
There are no application deadlines (request an Invitation to study).
But you have to arrive at the University during the 6 months after you have gotten an Invitation.
1 of May-15 of August – a period when the Preparatory Department does not accept new arrivals.
Admission Process
First stage (before arrival):
1. Request the University for an Invitation to study in Ukraine.
2. Collect all required documents for getting Student Visa for Ukraine.
3. Notify the University about your arrival date and time. It is a must requirement! In case you don’t do that, the University will not be able to send a Confirmation letter to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. As a result, you will be you will be banned from entering the country and you will be sent back home right from the Ukrainian airport.
Second stage (after arrival):
1. Bring the required package of documents to the University.
2. Pass an interview on the main subjects of a chosen specialty (e.g. Math, Chemistry etc.) if necessary.
3. Make a payment for the study and hostel.
4. Pass a medical examination.
5. Open a bank account.
6. Temporary residence permit for students in Ukraine.
Currently, the information is not available
At present, the University does not provide any financial aid.
Currently, the information is not available