National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture









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SpecialityYearTuition FeeLanguage
Architecture and Urban planning4 years$2,300RU
Automation and computer-integrated technologies4 years$1,800RU
Branch mechanical engineering4 years$1,800RU
Computer science and computer-integrated technologies4 years$1,800RU
Construction and Construction engineering (civil)4 years$1,800RU
Ecology4 years$1,800RU
Economy4 years$1,800RU
Entrepreneurship, trade and the exchange activity4 years$1,800RU
Finance, banking and insurance4 years$1,800RU
Management4 years$1,800RU
Public administration and management4 years$1,800RU

SpecialityYearTuition FeeLanguage
Architecture and Urban planning1,5 years$2,400RU
Automation and computer-integrated technologies1,5 years$2,000RU
Branch mechanical engineering1,5 years$2,000RU
Construction and Construction engineering (civil)1,5 years$2,000RU
Ecology1,5 years$2,000RU
Economy1,5 years$2,000RU
Entrepreneurship, trade and the exchange activity1,5 years$2,000RU
Finance, banking and insurance1,5 years$2,000RU
Management1,5 years$2,000RU
Public administration and management1,5 years$2,000RU

SpecialityYearTuition FeeLanguage
Architecture and Urban planning3 years$2,800RU
Automation and computer-integrated technologies3 years$2,800RU
Branch mechanical engineering3 years$2,800RU
Computer science and computer-integrated technologies3 years$2,800RU
Construction and Construction engineering (civil)3 years$2,800RU
Ecology3 years$2,800RU
Economy3 years$2,800RU
Entrepreneurship, trade and the exchange activity3 years$2,800RU
Finance, banking and insurance3 years$2,800RU
Management3 years$2,800RU
Public administration and management3 years$2,800RU

The National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture was established on June the 12 in 1930. The founding of the institute went on during the rapid development of the construction industry, which required the preparation of highly qualified engineers and architectures. This was and remains the main task of the University. For today, the University offers comprehensive programs by 11 engineering and architectural specialties. Over the period of its existence, the University has trained more than 55,000 specialists for more than 80 countries.

Well-known scientific schools have been established and successfully functioning at the university, the elaboration and achievements of which are directed to the enhancement in the field of architectural design, reconstruction, and restoration of architectural objects, the creation of new technologies, the newest modern building materials, etc.

The National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture successfully develops the international scientific and technical cooperation with higher educational institutions of Germany, United Kingdom, Austria, France, China, Italy, India, Poland, Russia and others.

Key Dates

Standard Admission:

1 of October – application deadline (request an Invitation to study).

25 of October – arrival deadline (the final date you must arrive at the University).

Late Admission:

30 of January – application deadline (request an Invitation to study).

25 of February – arrival deadline (the final date you must arrive at the University).

Preparatory Department:

There are no application deadlines (request an Invitation to study).

But you have to arrive at the University during the 6 months after you have gotten an Invitation.

1 of May-15 of August – a period when the Preparatory Department does not accept new arrivals.

Admission Process

First stage (before arrival):

1. Request the University for an Invitation to study in Ukraine.

2. Collect all required documents for getting Student Visa for Ukraine.

3. Notify the University about your arrival date and time. It is a must requirement! In case you don’t do that, the University will not be able to send a Confirmation letter to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. As a result, you will be you will be banned from entering the country and you will be sent back home right from the Ukrainian airport.

Second stage (after arrival):

1. Bring the required package of documents to the University.

2. Pass an interview on the main subjects of a chosen specialty (e.g. Math, Chemistry etc.) if necessary.

3. Make a payment for the study and hostel.

4. Pass a medical examination.

5. Open a bank account.

6. Temporary residence permit for students in Ukraine.

Currently, the information is not available

At present, the University does not provide any financial aid.

Currently, the information is not available


Apply for the Ukrainan Education

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All areas of study

All areas of study

  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary
  • IT
  • Electrical and electronic Engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Biomedical and biochemical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • Oil and gas engineering
  • Aerospace engineering and aviation
  • Agriculture
  • Railway transport
  • Maritime
  • Economic
  • Law
  • Bio chemistry
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Ecology
  • Ecology and environmental protection
  • Physics and astronomy
  • Applied math
  • Mathematics
  • Geology
  • Philology
  • Foreign languages
  • Psychology
  • Environmental science
  • Design of environment
  • Political science
  • Metrology, standardization and certification
  • Sociology
  • Philosophy
  • Journalistic
  • Pedagogy
  • Civil defense
  • Food technology
  • Sport
  • Architecture
  • Art and music
  • PhD
All levels of study
All languages of study