Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (UkrSURT)









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SpecialityYearTuition FeeLanguage
Accounting4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Building and Construction4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Business4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Computer Science4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Economics4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Education4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Engineering4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Environmental Studies4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Finance & Banking4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
History4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Humanities4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Law & Jurisprudence4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Logistics4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Management4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Marketing4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Mathematics4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Occupational Health4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Philology4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Philosophy4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Physical Education4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Physics4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Security4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Sociology4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Sports4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Taxation4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Technology4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU
Transportation4 years$2,400EN, UA, RU

SpecialityYearTuition FeeLanguage
Accounting1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Building and Construction1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Business1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Computer Science1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Economics1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Education1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Engineering1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Environmental Studies1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Finance & Banking1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
History1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Humanities1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Law & Jurisprudence1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Logistics1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Management1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Marketing1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Mathematics1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Occupational Health1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Philology1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Philosophy1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Physical Education1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Physics1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Security1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Sociology1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Sports1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Taxation1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Technology1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU
Transportation1-2 years$2,640EN, UA, RU

SpecialityYearTuition FeeLanguage
Engineering6 years$3,500EN, UA, RU
Transportation6 years$3,500EN, UA, RU

UkrSURT was founded in September, 1930 on the base of the Kharkiv Institute of Engineers of Railway Transport.

The rector of UkrSURT is Sergii Volodymyrovych Panchenko, doctor of engineering sciences, professor.

UkrSURT is modern educational establishment of IV- level of accreditation with high international reputation in industry the worlds and scientific researches. More than 10 thousand students study at the university, including foreign students, that get a baccalaureate, master’s degree or candidate of sciences.

The university unites 35 departments, including 20 graduating. All departments actively cooperate with the branch industrial enterprises of Ukraine and foreign countries. The university has a stationary, correspondence and distant form of studies.

At the university there work the institute of retraining and in-plant training. The university has four modern educational corps with the well-equipped laboratories, scientific and technical library on 1,5 million, mediafolder, computer centers, sport halls, first-aid post and seven dormitories.

517 teachers work at the University, 354 of which have a scientific degree (67 professors of doctors of sciences, 329 associate professors of candidates of sciences); 18 members and 9 members-correspondents of branch academies of Ukraine and other countries give lectures.

Teachers and research workers of the university promote the qualification and give lectures in educational establishments countries of the CIS and other countries. The advanced studies are published in prestige foreign editions.

The university is the active participant of European projects in the branch of science and education. The university executes training on the European program TEMPUS IV “Master’s Degree of Infrastructure and Exploitation of High-speed Transport”.

Four specialized scientists of council work of defence of candidate’s and doctoral dissertations work at the university: Д64.820.01 by the speciality “Telecommunication systems and networks”; Д64.820.02 by the specialities “Building constructions”, “Building materials and wares”; Д64.820.04 by the specialities “Transport systems”, “Rolling stock of railways and traction of trains”, “Exploitation and repair of facilities of transport”; Д64.820.05 by the specialities “Economy and management of national economy”, “Economy and management of the enterprises”.

University publishes nine scientific collections and two scientific journals registered in international scientific metric databases.

The university prepares specialists on 22 directions of preparation on six faculties, five of those have graduating departments: Faculty of Automation, Teleautomatics and Connection, Faculty of Management of Transportations Processes, Building Faculty, Mechanical Faculty, and Faculty of Economy of Transport.

Key Dates

Standard Admission:

1 of October – application deadline (request an Invitation to study).

25 of October – arrival deadline (the final date you must arrive at the University).

Late Admission:

30 of January – application deadline (request an Invitation to study).

25 of February – arrival deadline (the final date you must arrive at the University).

Preparatory Department:

There are no application deadlines (request an Invitation to study).

But you have to arrive at the University during the 6 months after you have gotten an Invitation.

1 of May-15 of August – a period when the Preparatory Department does not accept new arrivals.

Admission Process

First stage (before arrival):

1. Request the University for an Invitation to study in Ukraine.

2. Collect all required documents for getting Student Visa for Ukraine.

3. Notify the University about your arrival date and time. It is a must requirement! In case you don’t do that, the University will not be able to send a Confirmation letter to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. As a result, you will be you will be banned from entering the country and you will be sent back home right from the Ukrainian airport.

Second stage (after arrival):

1. Bring the required package of documents to the University.

2. Pass an interview on the main subjects of a chosen specialty (e.g. Math, Chemistry etc.) if necessary.

3. Make a payment for the study and hostel.

4. Pass a medical examination.

5. Open a bank account.

6. Temporary residence permit for students in Ukraine.

Currently, the information is not available

At present, the University does not provide any financial aid.