Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Arts









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SpecialityYearTuition FeeLanguage
Environment design4 years$2,500EN, RU
Design of clothes and accessories4 years$2,500EN, RU
Design of advertising and computer graphics4 years$2,500EN, RU
Fashion style and hairstyling4 years$2,500EN, RU
Art studies4 years$2,500EN, RU

SpecialityYearTuition FeeLanguage
Environment design2 years$2,900EN, RU
Design of clothes and accessories2 years$2,900EN, RU
Design of advertising and computer graphics2 years$2,900EN, RU
Fashion style and hairstyling2 years$2,900EN, RU

Currently the information is unavailable 

Ukraine is gradually but surely entering the European and world economic space. The experience of developed countries shows that design is one of the key factors in this process. Hence the special requirements for the professional training of designers have been developed. Today they must be professionals with inexhaustible creativity who are able to design not only functionally useful, but also high quality, convenient, aesthetically attractive things. This actualizes the problems of professional training of designers in Ukraine. Nowadays, such preparation is an integral part of the overall higher education system and an effective factor in the development of the design culture of society.

For this purpose, in 1992 the Private Institution of Higher Education “Art College of Decorative Modeling and Design” was founded on the base of the Designer National University, and since 1995 a Design Studio for school children has been established in the College and since 1997 professional design courses and computer graphics for adults were organized. This helped to tackle not only training for youth  but also organize leisure and additional education for adults.

In 2000 the Art College became the basic educational institution of the newly formed public organization «Confederation of Designers and Stylists of Ukraine», which involved leading designers from Ukraine and other countries, as well as brought together the main staff resource of the Art College of Decorative Modeling and Design.

In order to ensure a complete cycle and continuity of design education, in 2004 the Institute of Decorative Modeling and Design (IV accreditation level) was established. Thus, a training complex of continuous art education was formed, providing a complete cycle of training for design professionals.

Since 2008 the Art Institute of Decorative Modeling and Design acquaired the name of the distinguished surrealistic artist Salvador Dali, which not only confirmed the creativity of the school, but also opened up new opportunities for international cooperation.

Since 2011 the Institute has been training foreign citizens at the Preparatory department and providing education in design specialties at the bachelor“s and master“s levels.

Since January 2019 the Institute has been renamed into Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Arts.

Key Dates

Standard Admission:

1 of October – application deadline (request an Invitation to study).

25 of October – arrival deadline (the final date you must arrive at the University).

Late Admission:

30 of January – application deadline (request an Invitation to study).

25 of February – arrival deadline (the final date you must arrive at the University).

Preparatory Department:

There are no application deadlines (request an Invitation to study).

But you have to arrive at the University during the 6 months after you have gotten an Invitation.

1 of May-15 of August – a period when the Preparatory Department does not accept new arrivals.

Admission Process

First stage (before arrival):

1. Request the University for an Invitation to study in Ukraine.

2. Collect all required documents for getting Student Visa for Ukraine.

3. Notify the University about your arrival date and time. It is a must requirement! In case you don’t do that, the University will not be able to send a Confirmation letter to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. As a result, you will be you will be banned from entering the country and you will be sent back home right from the Ukrainian airport.

Second stage (after arrival):

1. Bring the required package of documents to the University.

2. Pass an interview on the main subjects of a chosen specialty (e.g. Math, Chemistry etc.) if necessary.

3. Make a payment for the study and hostel.

4. Pass a medical examination.

5. Open a bank account.

6. Temporary residence permit for students in Ukraine.

Currently, the information is not available

At present, the University does not provide any financial aid.